The price of cigarettes.

So, two nights ago I saw a news story saying that the price of a carton of cigarettes (in Ontario anyway) was going to increase from roughly $50 to $75. Then, just last night, I heard that the new federal government was planning on making statements about things that they’d be doing – among these was reducing the tax on tobacco.

Call me crazy, but this just doesn’t make much sense overall. What’s the point of decreasing tobacco taxes if there’s going to be such a big hike anyway? I doubt anybody will really care if the tax is less – because, in the end, it won’t make one bit of difference. Plus, given Health Canada’s definitive stance against smoking – what is the new government playing at? If anything, taxes should be increased to discourage the practice. (Then again, government decisions are seldom rational. Perhaps the cut is a result of some kind of campaign promise made to the tobacco industry for helping the new people gain power. Or – is that too cynical?)